Recap: the 2023 Annual Meetings
The Canadian Government kindly hosted NASCO’s 2023 Annual Meetings in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. Representatives of the Parties and observers from Iceland, France (in respect of St Pierre and Miquelon), two IGOs and 21 NGOs attended the Meetings, along with 13 speakers who were invited to speak on specific topics. The 98 delegates who were able to attend in person had the opportunity to visit some of the amazing salmon conservation work taking place in the region. A further 37 delegates participated virtually in the Meetings.
Full details of each can be found in the Annual Reports of the Council, North American Commission, North-East Atlantic Commission, West Greenland Commission, Finance and Administration Committee and International Atlantic Salmon Research Board Meetings.
The key outcomes of these Meetings are listed below:
- the WGC reviewed the 2022 salmon fishery at West Greenland and agreed that the regulatory measure agreed in 2022, WGC(22)10, would continue to apply in 2023;
- the NEA confirmed that the Decision on the Faroese salmon fishery adopted in 2021, NEA(21)16, would continue to apply in the 2023 / 2024 salmon fishing season;
- Special Sessions were held to discuss the Report of the Performance Review Panel (see pg 8 for details) and on Indigenous Perspectives and Roles in Atlantic Salmon Conservation (see pg 7 for full details). A TBSS was held on the cross-cutting theme of climate change (see pg 9 for full details);
- Council agreed to extend the current IP reporting cycle by one year to allow for the WGFON to develop its Strategy and Action Plan;
- the NEA considered the report of its Working Group on the parasite Gyrodactylus salaris, NEA(23)09, (see pg 6 for details) and agreed:
four matters of best practice in dealing with the parasite;
that a further meeting of the Working Group would take place in 2025; and a number of revisions to its Road Map on Gyrodactylus salaris; - following on from Council’s 2022 statement on pink salmon, CNL(22)47, Council agreed Terms of Reference for the Pink Salmon Working Group, CNL(23)69 and to hold a TBSS on pink salmon in 2024;
- the Board continued with its review of its vision, scope and purpose. On the recommendation of the Board, Council adopted Revised Terms of Reference for the Board and its SAG and the Board agreed ‘Revised Financial Rules of the International Atlantic Salmon Research Fund’, ICR(23)15. The Board also asked its SAG to identify potential research priorities for the Board, ICR(23)14. The SAG met in the final quarter of 2023 to undertake this work and its report was considered at an Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Board in February 2024. The report of that meeting and follow-up actions by the SAG will be considered at the Board’s 2024 Annual Meeting;
- the FAC agreed to review the conditions for attendance by Observers at NASCO Meetings, CNL(06)49, continued its review of the Staff Rules and Staff Fund Rules and that a generic training budget for Secretariat staff could be agreed in the annual budget each year;
- Council agreed that NASCO should continue to encourage France (in respect of St Pierre and Miquelon) to join the Organization and asked the President to write to France (in respect of St Pierre and Miquelon) again;
- Kimberly Damon-Randall (USA) was elected President of NASCO, with Ruth Allin (UK) elected as Vice-President. The Board re-elected Martha Robertson as its Chair. All three were elected for a two-year period from the close of the 2023 Annual Meetings.